Not only does Aubree have multiple food allergies she also as a list of environmental allergies to go along! She is allergic to cats, dust mites, mold and pollen! They were progressively getting worse. She was a mess constantly snotting, eyes swollen with big circles, sneezing, itchy eyes and red dots on her face and overall miserable. Nothing was touching it. We were all miserable. (NOT to mention the whole issue of trying to decide if a reaction was food related or environmental! Oh the stress it can cause) We had even spoke to her allergist about shots. Her doctor recommended moving forward with them, but I wanted to think about it a bit. I did not know what to do. I truly want to do what is best for my kids. Watching her struggle was painful. But I knew putting her through shots would also be painful!
This was a picture of Aubree in the Fall 2014. Many times she looked way worse than this! Plus pictures never do it justice!
THAT'S when I heard about essential oils. I don't even remember now where I heard they could help seasonal allergies. BUT I thought it sounds way better than the lots and lots of shots that would be in our future Natural oil that comes from plants, flowers and stems used to help SO many things. NO additives, chemicals, toxins. All natural....AND best of all painless to my baby girl! . So with some research I decided to give these little oils a try. I bought a Premium Starter Kit from Young Living in February 2015. We chose Young Living because they have a Seed to Seal guarantee! Meaning they own their own farm and are part of the process from start to finish. They are hands down the best company for oils. Not a question in my mind on purity. WOW, OH WOW. With consistent use Aubree's environmental allergies are 95% Better. WE will take it! We use the oils (Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint) topically 2-3 times a day. If for some reason she is struggling, like harvesting fields around us, we will also put those same oils in the diffuser. It was an answer to many prayers. Cue the start of my love for Essential Oils! Boy, do I love oils! (and allergies is just ONE of the many ways we use oils!) I feel like God placed these amazing oils in our life at the perfect time!
At our yearly appointment with Aubree's allergist in May I told her what we had been doing. She didn't seem to know too much about oils. She wrote it down in her chart and said keep doing what we are doing because it was working! SCORE!
Obviously everyone is different, but it worked for us! I am happy to answer any questions about this journey. I wish essential oils were more well known because they are amazing additions to every home. So, I feel it is my mission to talk about them and share the love. So, if you notice I love to talk and post about oils a lot on FB, I can't help myself. I love them and truly want others to know about them and love them too.
Allergy Momma
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Long overdue Check-in
Aubree Grace is now SEVEN years old, a 1st grader and doing excellent! Aubree is still highly allergic to Peanuts, eggs, milk, wheat and soy. She also has pretty high environmental allergies to cats, dust mites, molds and pollen. BUT we try so hard not to let that stop us!
Life happened and my blog took the backseat, for that I apologize. My cousin asked about my blog to share with a friend that was struggling. (Thank you, Brianna, for that push!) It reminded me about it and how much it could be helping someone dealing with similar situations. So I decided I would try to be better about blogging! Life with a child with food allergies is very overwhelming. I know when Aubree was first diagnosed I spent hours reading and researching online. (who am I kidding, I still do it!) Sometimes knowing you aren't alone is the best feeling. It was definitely bittersweet to go bath through and read my old blogs. Just WOW! How far we have come.
There is no way I could possibly share with you all of our ups and down in the last few years. We will just say there were LOTS! We have added to our family, TWO year old Paisley. Has NO allergies! So #2 of 4 is the only child in our family with allergies.
Big Sister Hallie and Aubree ready for the first day of 1st and 3rd grades!
School has been our biggest milestone since my last entry. Aubree amazes me everyday. She has adjusted to school way better than I could have dreamed. We are very fortunate to be attending a small accommodating school. I could not imagine the amount of stress I would be having if it was not for our school community! (A God send really!) Beginning Kindergarten last year, I was a mess. I had always been in control of Aubree. Where she was, what she was exposed to, what she ate, what those around her ate, how often they washed hands, ect. This was a BIG change. I honestly had to dig deep within myself to overcome this. Educate, Trust, and have Faith. Luckily she had an excellent teacher and I felt comfortable. I just keep telling myself is to educate those around her the best I can. Trust that they understand and will do everything in their power to keep her safe. Then very much have Faith that God would protect her through it all! Does the worry stop? Nope. Have I had moments of being so overwhelmed I just cry? Yep. I think that's part of the process. Having a child with potentially fatal food allergies is scary. Period. Anytime I see school calling me for any reason, my heart immediately hits my stomach. It is defiantly a worry I do not wish on anyone. However, I am very thankful for an otherwise healthy Aubree Grace. It could be worse and I am grateful for what I have been blessed with. It is all part of what makes us, US!
Aubree has begin to self carry her allergy meds. We got this little gem and it has worked out perfectly! : This is big. I have a sense of peace knowing that she always has her Avi-Q and anti-histamines on her at all times. In the event of an emergency every second matters. She is getting older and I feel this gives her more independence without the constant thought of remembering to send it with her everywhere. Worth checking out when the time comes to self carry!
Food Allergies have made me become a bit more creative with it comes to birthday cakes! It may not be perfect but she was very excited about it. Made from rice kirspie treats. (made with oil not butter)
This is just a small glimpse at life today. We have good days, we have bad days. But overall she is a healthy, thriving, bright little girl! I hope to be more active in my blogs in the future. You know, don't wait 3 years in between posts and have to reactive your account. ;)
Thursday, November 1, 2012
It has been awhile! Nothing like having Halloween reminding you to write a blog! :)
#1 The Aller-bling Bracelet is AWESOME
You can kind of see it in this picture. It is has small charms with a picture and lists what she is allergic to. Perfect for this age! It is used as a conversation piece to get her talking about her allergies. In my opinion it is a good education piece. One more step we can take to keep our baby safe. She has kept it on for a good 2 months now. I have caught people in stores, church, ball games, ect. looking at it. Even if they do not mention it they are noticing it. Bringing more awareness to the often overlooked world of Food Allergies. I love it! If you have a child with one or more allergies Consider it.

#1 The Aller-bling Bracelet is AWESOME
You can kind of see it in this picture. It is has small charms with a picture and lists what she is allergic to. Perfect for this age! It is used as a conversation piece to get her talking about her allergies. In my opinion it is a good education piece. One more step we can take to keep our baby safe. She has kept it on for a good 2 months now. I have caught people in stores, church, ball games, ect. looking at it. Even if they do not mention it they are noticing it. Bringing more awareness to the often overlooked world of Food Allergies. I love it! If you have a child with one or more allergies Consider it.

#2 May contain traces
of wheat and egg. Contains milk. Manufactured in a facility that also has
peanuts. Packaged on shared equipment with egg. Contains soy. May contain milk,
wheat, eggs, soy and peanuts. Manufactured in a facility that also produces
egg, wheat, milk and soy. Ever seen this so many times you want to scream? Start reading labels, even if you don’t have
to. It will make you go, hmmmmm.
#3 Halloween makes me want to panic.
You think dressing up and going door to door to get candy is
the best thing ever. Well, to most people it is. And to Miss Aubree Grace it is
too. It is her Momma that has the issue! My kids are the BEST. We did not eat
that first bite of candy until we returned home. The best part, no one
asked!!!!! Aubree had the best time
collecting the candy, knowing she was not going to get to eat 90% of what she
collected. The problem….The ingredients are not listed on each individual
package of candy. It is just the main bag. You can’t go by well I know she can
have that, because it changes so frequently. Just yesterday looked at a package of candy
that she can normally have and it now says may contain egg and wheat. Dum-dum
suckers and smarties are a safe candy. (but other than that we supplement with
candy we buy) the way I had to take a 30 min break in writing because I had just given Aubree a piece of bubblegum and she came and told her her throat was feeeling itchy. I made her spit it out and she had a nice does of antihistimine. She kepts saying it was itchy for about 20 mins then said it felt normal again. BIG SIGH…..OH MY......
#4 We learn so much each day. We are now working on teaching
Keegan about Aubree’s allergies. That is a new one for us. I think he is
getting it, it is pretty cute!
#5 We are beyond blessed to have Aubree as our daughter. She
makes us laugh and teaches us the value of life each and every day. Love her and would not trade her AND our journey with allergies for anything (it would be perfectly fine if she DID out grow them though. LOL)
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Sometimes I am angry, sometimes I feel sorry for Aubree,
sometimes I feel sorry for myself. Sometimes I cry over it all! Why her? Why MY baby girl? Why can I not just make macaroni and cheese
and call it lunch for all the kids? Why can we not stop and pick up a quick
pizza on the way home because I am exhausted and don’t want to cook? Why an Ice
Cream social instead of a fruit social? Why do I have to take these extra
precautions? Do other people understand how easy they have it?
To me, those are normal
feelings. Having a 3 year old that is Severely allergic to Milk, peanuts,
wheat, eggs and soy is no easy task.
There is a lot of daily prep that goes along with having
that many allergies. Her “special” food is much more expensive than the normal
stuff, can’t be bought at all grocery stores and also tastes much different. We
could not possibly cut all of those foods out of our house completely.
Therefore, I do a lot of double cooking. Our kind AND Aubree’s kind. That means 2 kinds of pizza, two kinds of
cookies, two kinds of spaghetti, two kinds of so many different foods. Most of
the time she eats a variety of what we are having. For example, she can have meat loaf (oatmeal
not crackers) make her a small one that does not have egg in it. She can have
plain potatoes…but no milk, butter, cheese, sour cream….just plain ole
potatoes. If I am making cheesy potatoes for the rest of the family, I will just
make sure to take hers out before adding cheese and other non-Aubree safe
foods. What if she is SUPER hungry today and I don’t save her out enough? Making 100% sure not to cross contaminate
anything. Utensils, ect. I could spend $4 on a single can of her kind of
chicken noodle soup. Be so excited because it is something new and different. Then
she won’t even touch it because she is 3 and they can often be finicky eaters. …..SIGH!
Here is just another example of what we deal with ….Hallie
just started Kindergarten. I got information about her Open house in the mail…Come
meet your teacher and have an Ice Cream treat. My mind immediately thinks about
Aubree. She wants to go to the Open House too and see where her big sister is going
to be every day. I DON’T want to go
there and everyone else is eating ice cream and her just watch. How horrible
would that be? If you have a little child, think what would my kid do in that situation?
See everyone eating a yummy treat like ice cream, sorry honey you can’t have
any……Most kids that are three would throw a fit until you gave in and gave it to them. I
CAN’T just give in and give it anyway. It could be her life. Since I had
advance warning about the ice cream I could make arrangements. I emailed her
teacher to find out what the treats would be. Fudge pops, ice cream sandwiches,
and drum sticks. I was determined to bring her something similar. Her wonderful
Nana found her kind of fudge pops. So I wrapped that fudge pop up in a bunch of
ice packs and put in a small container to help keep it frozen. That way my baby
girl could have an ice cream treat like all the other young kids. What if I didn’t know they were serving ice
cream?? We would have been in that situation someone would not be happy. I
could not let any of my kids have an ice cream treat because Aubree couldn’t. I
am sure they would be disappointed Hallie understands, Keegan does not. But
they would still see all the other kids with it. Or I could let Hallie and
Keegan have one and Aubree not because it is not safe. Then I am sure she would
be disappointed. I would have been in a no win situation. We are in situations
SO very often. It is just not fair.
It is a completely
different life than we had 4 short years ago. There is no I don’t feel like
messing with it today. EVERY.SINGLE.DAY….NO exception.
Almost 4 years later it is still hard and I still ask
myself all of those same questions. But as time goes on and Aubree is growing
up, she has that little spunky personality and is MY little girl. I know the
answers to some of those questions.
GOD chose US for Aubree and AUBREE for us!
She is MINE! I will
go to great lengths for her. I will do everything in my power to make her feel
special and loved. I will keep her safe. Make her feel included. Her Allergies
have shaped her into the little girl that I love so much. Her Allergies have
shaped me into the Momma that I am today. As hard as it can be at times I would
NOT change it. It helps make us, US!
Aubree is smart and will do great things. Are some days hard? Yes! BUT that is
OUR life and I LOVE our life!
I want to help others that are dealing with the similar
issues. Aubree was given to me for a reason. I could put on a happy face and
act like it is no big deal, a piece of cake, and never question why. But that
is not real. That would not be real for anyone dealing with multiple food
allergies. I like real. I want others dealing with similar things to not feel alone.
It IS overwhelming and hard, but not impossible!
One of Aubree’s new favorite songs : FOOD ALLERGIES ROCK
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
A few things we have discovered!
Aubree had a skin prick test again in May. She is still severly allergic to Peanuts, milk, eggs, wheat and soy. She is so strong and amazes me every day. Not a tear dopped when she had her testing done.
Kyle Dine Music---He writes songs about Food Allergies, they are geared towards kids. Aubree absolutely loves the music. You can just see in her face that she can relate to what she is hearing. She along with her sister and brother dance and sing around the livingroom. It is priceless! Here is a link and you can listen to the songs!
Going to the grocery can be so overwhelming. I can not being to tell you the number of times I have been up and down the cereal aisle or the frozen dessert aisle. Only to be frustrated at not finding anything new and exciting that Aubree can have.
On a recent trip to Iowa we were able to discover So Delicious Dairy Free Ice cream!
That little girl was so excited, I would pay that $6.50 for a small container to see the happiness in her face! Knowing what we were looking for we were able to find it in stores in our hometown as well. How in the world have I missed that?! Oh well, she enjoys it now, and that is what matters!
I thank God every day that that fiesty little girl that just happens to have life threating Food Allergies, belongs to US!
Kyle Dine Music---He writes songs about Food Allergies, they are geared towards kids. Aubree absolutely loves the music. You can just see in her face that she can relate to what she is hearing. She along with her sister and brother dance and sing around the livingroom. It is priceless! Here is a link and you can listen to the songs!
Going to the grocery can be so overwhelming. I can not being to tell you the number of times I have been up and down the cereal aisle or the frozen dessert aisle. Only to be frustrated at not finding anything new and exciting that Aubree can have.
On a recent trip to Iowa we were able to discover So Delicious Dairy Free Ice cream!
That little girl was so excited, I would pay that $6.50 for a small container to see the happiness in her face! Knowing what we were looking for we were able to find it in stores in our hometown as well. How in the world have I missed that?! Oh well, she enjoys it now, and that is what matters!
I thank God every day that that fiesty little girl that just happens to have life threating Food Allergies, belongs to US!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
The Circus & Peanuts
Peanuts are an airborne allergen and just by breathing those
in it could be very dangerous. For that very reason we are not supposed to have
peanut products in our house or go places that have open peanut containers. So
we cannot go to places like Texas Roadhouse where peanuts are everywhere and
all over the floor.
A couple nearby towns were having a small traveling circus
come. We decided to go. It was just a
large tent with a circus arena set up in the middle. WHY oh WHY did I NOT think about the fact
there may be peanuts there. It didn’t occur to me. We had gone to a much larger
circus when Aubree was a baby and they had done away with peanuts because of
We were all settled in our seats and the Circus began. We
had great seats. The kids were excited, laughing, having a great time. Venders were going around selling cotton
candy, popcorn, and all the toys that we cringe when we see them trying to
sell. About a half hour into the show (the first show at this town) they
announced that they were selling peanuts for the next 5 mins and there were
prize vouchers in the bags. My heart stopped. In this hot, muggy tent they were
about to be hundreds of people eating peanuts. I quickly took her out. I could
not bring myself to risk it. We tried to
watch from the opening of the tent but she just could not get into it from that
far away, plus it was making me nervous. Luckily there was a nearby park so Aubree and
I went there to play, while the rest of the group finished watching the circus.
I explained to Aubree why we left. My AMAZING baby girl understood, and never
once acted disappointed. Yet, how could a 3 year old NOT be disappointed with
Now I struggle with the fact that I SHOULD have known, I
should have called, I could have caused her to have a bad reaction. Just sucks.
YES I believe they should have had it
posted that there were going to be peanuts. But ultimately it is no one’s fault
but my own. I as her mother should have checked in advance! Live and learn, but
darn it. Not how I wanted today to go. It could have been worse; she could have
actually had a reaction. I am truly THANKFUL!
She didn’t and I believe she didn’t because we got the heck out of there. Blah,
Blah, Blah!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
I am trying to decide for the Allergy factor alone if I need to go ahead and slowly start school with Aubree. Hallie did not go to school at all until this past year. She just did PreK and it was 4 days a week. It worked out great for her. BUT I am not sure how I could handle always being in control of what Aubree eats to being away from her 4-5 days per week. She has two years before going to Kindergarten. Do I want to start 2 days a week this coming year then 3 days a week the following year?? That way we both ease our way into it. OR do I want to take these next two years and make sure she 100% understands all of her allergies and what she can eat?? I honestly am not too worried about the academic aspect of preschool. She is a bright girl and would be fine. I don’t know. I don’t know. I do know that I would have to be 100% Comfortable with the school/teacher before I would even consider it. I am proud of how much Aubree understands what she is allergic to and what she can have. But she is still just 3 and looks for my direction a lot. My biggest fear is that an adult would tell her that a food is ok when it is not, and something would happen and I NOT be there! I would not handle that well. I don't want her to feel like the "Freak" of the class and be embarassed. I don't want teachers to be annoyed at all the questions I am going to ask and how involved I am going to want to be. But this is MY baby and it is MY job to keep her safe! I have even toyed around with the homeschooling option. There is so much to learn about life from the school setting. I guess I need to weigh my options. I don’t know, I don’t know!!
This may sound like not a big deal to some….but it is a HUGE deal to us. My priority is to keep Aubree SAFE, happy & healthy!
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