Wednesday, March 28, 2012

food, Food, FOOD!!

Why does food have to be or talked about everywhere?

Every week at Gymnastics class while stretching they play a game, go around the room and say what they like on their ice cream or in their sandwich or pizza or whatever kind of food. I notice Aubree thinking for a second and then just blurting out a type of food similar to what the others are saying.  And me from the bleachers, I want to yell....She can't have that!  I KNOW food is fun for kids, but it makes me cringe!

We were at a local park playing and I see someone reach in their bag and get out a jar of PEANUTS and start snacking. All I can think is PEANUTS, PEANUTS, PEANUTS!!!!  Before Allergies were in our family I probably would not have given it a second thought. Heck, that could have even been ME eating the peanuts!

Signing Hallie up for Kindergarten reading through the paperwork about lunches, snacks, parties ect. The whole time I am thinking about Aubree and how this will effect her when it is her time for school..... I think everyone should bring their own lunches and  own snacks from home, eat their own food, and NOT share!! LOL....piratical, right?!?

Just a few things I think about regularly!

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